Tuesday, November 8, 2016

God's Presence Read Genesis 17:1-4

God's Presence

At this, Abram fell face down in the dust. Then God said to him, "This is My covenant with you" (Genesis 17:3-4).

There are people who speak with familiarity about God, as if their relationship with Him is one of friendship: "I didn't know if I should give my wife a book or a voucher, so I said, 'Lord, what do You think she'll like?'" One could be forgiven for thinking that these people see God as a voice on the other side of a spiritual cell phone.
Abraham didn't respond to God's declaration by saying, "That's fine with me, Lord. From now on we walk together, hand in hand." He knew that he was in the presence of the Almighty, Sovereign, Holy God. Abraham didn't jump up and down with joy; he didn't shout it from the rooftops; he didn't burst into song. He fell on his face in reverence for God, in speechless worship; in this way acknowledging that God is the Sovereign Authority in the universe. This response was also an indication that he submitted himself to God and to God's covenant; that he accepted God's will without question.
The Almighty God is not a pocket-god - something you keep in your pocket and take out when you have no one else to talk to. He is the Creator God, our Heavenly Father; King of kings; Savior of humanity. Be humble and respectful and react to His commands with worship and submission.

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