Monday, November 14, 2016

Hope for World Peace (Read Isaiah 2:1-5)

The LORD will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isa. 2:4).
Throughout the ages, many people have dreamt of a time when wars would end. Some of the wars were said to be “the war to end all wars.” Greed, national pride, intolerance, fear, personal ambition and malicious trouble making are all factors that make sure this dream does not come true. There is always war somewhere, and rumors of war.
Isaiah lived in a very small country that was often attacked by mighty armies on their way to do battle with other powerful armies. Yet he dreamt of peace, not because he sat down and calculated the relative power of any of the armies of his time, but because of his faith in God.
Approximately 700 years later (and a number of wars in, between), Jesus was born as the “Prince of Peace.” At His birth, the angels sang, “Peace on earth to all whom God favors.” It is of the utmost importance that Christians are not cynical, fearful and doubtful. They need to hold on to the hope that people will turn their spears into pruning hooks. Hope is not wishful thinking. It admits that there are problems, troubles and disasters, but also dares to believe that on the other side of chaos there will be order; on the other side of conflict there will be peace. Hope believes this because God is God and in the end, He is in charge and in control. Christians must also work for peace and pray for those who negotiate for international peace and understanding.
God of grace, in addition to all the blessings You shower on us, bless us with peace. Amen.

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