Sunday, November 13, 2016

Respected! Read Romans 16:1-16

Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews, who were in prison with me. They are highly respected among the apostles and became followers of Christ before I did (Romans 16:7).
Not all gifted people make the headlines or covers of magazines. Some of them remain unknown. J.S. Bach was the organist in a small village congregation. Every week he composed a new music piece for that Sunday’s service. As soon as the service was over, the composition was set aside and forgotten. After his death, all the compositions were discovered and made available to the public. Bach lived and died a poor man - an unrecognized genius.
When you serve Christ, you don’t do it to become famous. You do it in obedience to Christ, in pure love for Him. Your greatest joy is to see Jesus’ name glorified.
Today there are respected and outstanding people all over the world who spread the gospel, and don’t give reward or recognition a thought. Some deliver impressive sermons, others compose outstanding music. Some teach little children about Jesus, and others care for the elderly. Some feel called to live in underdeveloped countries and pour their energy into uplifting the poor. Some nurse people in remote mission hospitals and others do the bookkeeping for Christian organizations. There are people who feel called to do pioneer mission work in dangerous places. Never stop thanking God for these “outstanding” people in His service and pray for those you know.
Loving Master, help me to serve You to the best of my ability without ever thinking of what I will gain by it. Amen.

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