Tuesday, November 8, 2016

God's Covenant Read Genesis 17:1-8

"I will make a covenant with you, by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants" (Genesis 17:2).

In today's world, a covenant takes on many forms. Marriage is one and so is a legal contract; employment is another; the buying and selling of goods or services also involve a covenant. Some friendships have become so strong that it could be said that they are a covenant of mutual help and support.

There are three types of covenants or commitments in the Bible. The first is a one-sided covenant in which one party makes a covenant with another. The second is where one party demands a commitment from the other. In the third,both parties agree to a commitment. When God made His covenant with Abraham, it was the first type of covenant. It was not a matter of "I will, if you agree." God presented His covenant to Abraham God made it, and by making it He called on Abraham to respond to it and submit to it in obedience.

When Christ called you to be His disciple, He called you to become part of His covenant. Just as God promised Abraham many descendants, Jesus offers you His salvation, His love, His consolation and His hope. You may also make your covenant with Him by obeying Him, loving Him, glorifying Him and serving Him. Thus you hand complete control over to Him and you promise to serve Him through thick and thin, no matter what it takes and how difficult that task might be.

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