Monday, November 14, 2016

Peace through Prayer (Read Hosea 7:1-16)

All of them are hot as an oven; they devour their rulers. All their kings fall, and none of them calls on me (Hosea 7:7 NIV).
Throughout the ages, the world we live in has known violence and war. Millions have suffered terribly and died as a result. If you analyze the reasons for this, you will find that they include greed, hunger for authority, jealousy, a thirst for revenge and blind aggression - to mention but a few.
While we are not for one moment trying to defend this conduct, it is, however, also true that the victims often react with counter revenge that leads to more bloodshed. The international battlefield proves the destructive results of war. It was like this in Old Testament history and it is still the case today.
There is an essential urgency for all people in positions of authority to seek God’s help - not only when danger is imminent, but at all times. The Lord undertook to listen to us and to answer our prayers. Therefore, we must be praying people, seeking God’s guidance right through life in an effort to put an end to the atrocities born of violence and war.
Jesus instructed us to love. Do precisely this and see the amazing results. “Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you” (Job 22:21 NIV).
Prince of Peace, let the day come quickly then war will end and our hearts are filled with love. Amen.

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