Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tested Christian Read Romans 16:1-16

Greet Apelles, whose fidelity to Christ has stood the test (Rom. 16:10 NIV).
You have probably taken many tests in your life. At school, tests are necessary for you to improve and make progress. Passing the test for a driver’s license qualifies you to drive a car on a public road. It is necessary that you have an eye test, to determine the quality of your vision. We find some tests easy and others difficult.
We know that many of the first Christians were slaves, and Apelles was probably one of them. It was not always easy when a slave converted to Christianity, because his master was often not sympathetic toward this faith. It was also difficult if his master was a Christian himself, because the master-slave relationship was maintained in Christian communities. Or it could happen that the slave held an important position in the church while the master was just an ordinary believer.
We don’t know exactly what tests and trials Apelles was put through. Whatever it was, Apelles endured it; and he endured it “in Christ.” The strength, courage and dignity that he found in Jesus carried him through.
You and I are also put to the test. Some tests can break you. Whatever your trials and tribulations, it would be good if you meet them “in Christ.” He can and wants to give you sources of strength far beyond your abilities, and they will enable you to pass every test.
Lord, my God, never let me flinch from facing the trials on my path, but let me take them on in the strength of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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