Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Irritations of Life (Read Job 19:1-12)

How long will you torture me? How long will you try to crush me with your words? (Job 19:2).
All of us experience irritations at some time in our lives. If you tend to be irritable,then you are easily offended; you might use strong language, and you are difficult to live with.
It is foolish to allow people, things or circumstances to annoy you and in this way gain control of your life. To free yourself from this danger, you must work on controlling your reaction to the things that irritate you. The irritations won’t simply go away if you say you won’t allow them to get the better of you. Rather tune in to God and become aware of all the beautiful, pleasant things in life. Then a feeling of harmony and peace will fill your heart and thoughts.
In order to overcome the petty irritations of life, it is of the utmost importance to cling to the concept of God. If your idea of God is petty and insufficient, almost every human relationship and set of circumstances will carry the seed of irritation. When your concept of God is worthy of Him, you will be able to overcome every obstacle that comes your way.
Look at your life in the light of God’s eternity and greatness. You will find that nothing is so important that it will irritate you up to the point where you lose your positive concept of God and the balance in your life.
Loving Father God, when I realize how great You are, it keeps me from allowing irritations to influence me. Amen.

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