Thursday, November 24, 2016

Son Of God (Read Romans 1:1-7)

He [Jesus Christ] was shown to be the Son of God when He was raised from the death by the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 1:4).
You might sometimes reflect on the wonder that the life of a Galilean carpenter, dating back 2,000 years, has been admired and worshiped by millions of His followers ever since. What was it about Jesus that made so many people love Him so intensely? Why are so many lives radically changed by His impact on them?
Jesus was more than human. He was also totally and completely God. Jesus was the Son of God and He came from God. When He rose from the grave on Easter Sunday, it was the final declaration that He was God who had come to earth. This confirmed His sovereignty over the forces of evil and proved that He had triumphed over death.
The gospel of God is always the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Because He was raised from the dead, we can rule over temptation. This gives us the hope that life is always greater than death. Because He lives forever, we can experience joy instead of sorrow; hope instead of despair; inner peace instead of confusion. We don’t achieve or earn these blessings by becoming involved in spiritual gymnastics. They come as God’s gift to us through faith in His resurrected Son, Jesus, the Living Christ.

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