Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Wholesome Thinking Read 2 Peter 3:1-16

This is my second letter to you, dear friends, and in both of them I have tried to stimulate your wholesome thinking and refresh your memory (2 Peter 3:1).
Not all thinking that takes place in Christian circles today is altogether clear or wholesome. Sometimes people choose a specific kind of spiritual experience because many believe in it. At other times, irrational fear mounts because of this experience. Some of the current religions do not have a truly biblical origin. Superstition sometimes sneaks into our thinking.
The early Christians were convinced that Jesus would return in their lifetime. When some died and it still hadn’t happened, it posed a problem for those who remained. Would Jesus ever come? Peter wanted to bring about calm and wisdom in these circumstances. His task was to lead people to green pastures and give them wholesome spiritual nourishment.
Make sure that you attend healthy teaching regularly, as it will stimulate wholesome thinking and good practices. Always ask if the teachings are in line with the comprehensive message of the Bible.
Do the congregants understand what they are being taught? Were the instructors delegated to do the job by a recognized Christian church or religious body? Does their teaching spur you on to spiritual growth or does it leave you more confused? Does it give Jesus all the glory or does it lead you into a dead-end street? If a new movement proclaims new ideas, are they truly Christian or is the aim to make money?

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