Friday, November 11, 2016

Temptation (Read 1 Corinthians 10:12-24)

Temptation (Read 1 Corinthians 10:12-24)

If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall (1 Corinthians 10:12).

Nobody is safe against temptation. As you grow in the Christian faith, your confidence also grows, and eventually you think nothing can disturb your spiritual balance. This is an extremely dangerous way of thinking. If you think the fact that you are a devoted Christian exempts you from temptation, watch out, because that is the forerunner of being caught in the snare of pride.
The way to feel secure in the Christian life, and live it triumphantly, is to focus your thoughts and spirit on the Living Christ. There are subtle temptations you cannot overcome in your own strength. If you are more self-confident than Christ-confident, you are certainly heading for a fall.
The Spirit of Christ reveals the subtlety of temptation. When you come face to face with temptation, you might become weak and find a good reason to give in to it. Don't try to resist temptation in your own strength, but appeal to the Living Christ to stand by you and guide you. Temptation will back away from His truth and protective love.
The Holy Spirit of God will reveal the destructive power and foulness of sin to you to enable you to discern between truth and lies. He will give you the wisdom and ability to avoid and resist it.

Through the guidance of Your Holy Spirit, Holy Master, I am able to resist temptation. Amen.,

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