Sunday, November 27, 2016

Spiritual Discipline (Read Psalm 86:1-17)

Teach me Your ways, O LORD, that I may live according to Your truth! (Ps. 86:11).
It is an uncontrollable human tendency to go your own way, do your own thing and then ask God for His blessing on what you are doing. And then when things go wrong, you wonder why God allowed it and you become rebellious. After all, you did ask for godly blessing on your efforts, so why is everything falling apart?
As a child of God, you must learn to accept His discipline. Just like students need to be corrected if they want to make progress at school, Christians also need their heavenly Father’s discipline. Without it, there can be no spiritual growth.
However, God’s discipline is never prejudiced. He does not punish some and not others. The discipline you undergo is mostly self-imposed. When you have disobeyed what you know is God’s will, you have to pay the price. If you deliberately disobey His rules and thought in your foolishness that you could side-step the consequences, don’t rebel against God when it seems that circumstances are turning against you. What you sow, you will definitely reap.
When God disciplines you, it always has a constructive purpose. His love for you is constant and His aim is to bring you into a deeper and richer relationship with Him. The discipline you experience is part of your spiritual development and should be experienced with joy - even with thanksgiving.
Merciful Master, grant me the wisdom to learn the lessons You want to teach me through Your holy discipline. Amen.

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