Monday, November 28, 2016

The God of Fire (Read Isaiah 10:8-19)

The LORD, the Light of Israel, will be a fire; the Holy One will be a flame. He will devour the thorns and briers with fire, burning up the enemy in a single night (Isa. 10:17).
It is said that God is many things and that there is nothing He cannot do: He is a Rock and a Refuge; He is the Good Shepherd who looks after His sheep; He is a Wind that blows, bringing life; He is a King who rules; and He is a Warrior who defends. Fire is an image often used to represent God.
While a fire provides warmth, it can also destroy. In the Scripture above, Isaiah prophesies the fate of the boastful king of Assyria, who was too big for his boots and didn’t realize that he was no more than a servant of God. God would appear like a fire and destroy everything in His way; in the process Assyria would also be destroyed.
The fire image is seen again on Pentecost when “tongues of fire” appeared and settled on the disciples who were gathered together to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3). It is symbolic of the presence of God and also of His judgment.
Ironically, some of the Christians who were filled with the Holy Spirit were later burnt at the stake because of their loyalty to Christ. Through the ages, believers understood that they needed the purifying fire of God to purge them spiritually.
Holy Spirit, purifying fire, come and purge my life of all that is dirty and impure. Amen.

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