Monday, November 28, 2016

The Necessity of Conversion (Read Isaiah 9:8-21)

 For after all this punishment, the people will still not repent. They will not seek the LORD of Heaven's Armies (Isa. 9:13).

Never assume that it is more difficult in our times to live life close to God than what it was a thousand years ago. In the olden days, people who battled to steer their lives in accordance with God's will often failed. This applies to people throughout the biblical period that spans about two thousand years.
The prophets called on the nations to be converted. They saw people worshiping false gods, doing immoral things and failing to walk close to God. In particular, they ignored His commandments. Even when they returned, only a brief period of spiritual dedication followed. In spite of the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament, there were many indications that these people lived a crumbling Christian life at most.
We must also repent, confess and turn back to God. If you gave your life to Jesus years ago and are trying to live a Christian life, it is essential that you are regularly filled with remorse for the mistakes you have made, and start over again.
To be remorseful is to admit that you had the wrong attitudes, that you were quick to judge, and that you sought your own will above that of God. It is to admit that you lacked love and were selfish in your relationships. Take another look at the way you spend your money and to find ways of being more charitable. Re-commit your life to God, and become more and more like Jesus.

Holy Father, help me to regularly rethink my walk with You. Amen.

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