Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What to Teach People (Read 1 Timothy 1:1-11)

The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith (1 Tim. 1:5)
In their teachings, different Christian churches emphasize different aspects of their members’ faith. One emphasizes giving. Another concentrates on evangelization. Yet another propagates appropriate behavior. Others promote involvement in social issues at the expense of everything else.
In his advice to Timothy on what he should emphasize in Ephesus to contradict false teachings that were doing the rounds, Paul says they must learn to love sincerely. The love he is talking about is more than mere compassion. It is “agape” love, or God’s kind of self-sacrificing love.
It is more than kindness. It is placing the other person’s spiritual well-being first and forgetting about yourself. Paul knew that no matter how perfect or imperfect a Christian disciple’s religious convictions may be, the quality of love revealed by the disciple was the true test of sincere faith.
Your Christian community presents God’s love to the world inasmuch as it manifests Christian love, both within the Christian circle and toward those outside the group. The same goes for you as an individual. Love must always be the distinguishing mark of your faith. As your capacity to love increases, you also develop openness toward Christ to sense when wrong teachings are proclaimed. If you want the ability to love, you will need to open yourself up to the working of the Holy Spirit.
Triune God of love, fill my entire being with sincere, godly love. Amen.

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