Thursday, September 1, 2016

Back to the Start (Read Psalm 22:9-21)

You brought me safely from my mother's womb and led me to trust You at my mother's breast. I was thrust into Your arms at my birth. You have been my God from the moment I was born (Ps. 22:9-10).As human beings, we don't live in the present only. With the help of our memories we can recall the past, and sometimes adapt it to remember things the way we would have wanted them to be. We can also look at the future and dream about things we hope will happen - or fear what lies ahead. We carry our past along with us and sometimes also our future.
     We sometimes get a better perspective on the present by going back to the past. This is what David did in this Scripture. He went as far back as his birth. His life had not always been as hard. When he reflected on it, he remembered how God had helped him since birth. In truth, the very fact that he existed was God's will. Looking back, he knew that his whole existence was God's work. There was more to life than his suffering at the time.
     If you are going through a difficult time, do what David did. Look back to the very beginning, to God who created everything and who brought you into this world in His own good time. He was even with you in your mother's womb and has journeyed with you through all the years. When you were in the depths of despair, He gave you the strength to carry on. When you fell, He picked you up - and He will do it again and again! Praise the Lord because He is good!

The God of the Christians is a God of love and consolation; a God who fills the soul and the heart which He possesses.
~ Blaise Pascal ~

Saint James Assembly of Faith 

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