Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Sovereign Lord! Read Jeremiah 1:1-12

"O Sovereign LORD," I said. "I can't speak for You! I'm too young!" (Jer. 1:6).
During the Second World War, a campaign was launched to recruit people for the U.S. Army. The image of a well-known military chief was displayed on posters all over the country, pointing his index finger straight at you. The words at the bottom read, "Your country needs you!" It addressed everyone reading the poster. Every citizen knew that his country needed him.
     This was the case with Jeremiah. He served the king of Israel but responded to God's command by addressing Him as "Sovereign Lord"! He knew that he was a subject of a much mightier king than the one who was king over Israel. The earthly king had the power to recruit people for military service or demand that people pay taxes.
     The Higher Authority calls on Jeremiah to take up a prophetic ministry. He does so because He is much more than just a friend, a shepherd or someone to help in need. He is more than a rock and a refuge. He is the Sovereign Lord who calls, equips and sends out His servants. If you respond to this call, you join a royal service. It is giving up your right to rule and surrendering to the highest authority in the universe. Jeremiah did it and you are called to follow suit.

The Lord doesn't ask about your ability, only your availability; and, if you prove your dependability, the Lord will increase your capability.
~ Anonymous ~

Saint James Assembly of Faith 

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