Friday, September 9, 2016

If God is all-knowing and He has called you to do something, why would you not do it?

First Thessalonians 5:24

He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.

God’s Faithful Calling

When God calls someone into fellowship with His Son, He is faithful in that calling (1 Cor. 1:9). So my question to you and myself is this: If God is all-knowing and He has called you to do something, why wouldn’t you do it? Let me rephrase that.  Since God is all-knowing, if you knew He’s called you to something, why would you not do it? We know that God keeps His covenant beyond a thousand generations for those who live obediently (Deut. 7:9). Therefore, would we not want to be obedient in following His calling to do something? Since God has called us into His kingdom while urging us to live lives worthy of that calling (1 Thess. 2:12), what would keep you and I from not doing what He is calling us to do, whatever it is?

Trust in God

Perhaps we know that God is calling us into something but we aren’t sure if we can do it. If God is calling you to do something, He will surely equip you to do it and open a door for you to walk through, so we just have to trust Him. We must step out in faith like Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on the water (Matt. 14:22-33). Peter took that first step of faith because he trusted Christ. Therefore, we can also trust in the Lord and not be leaning on our own human understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). God has promised to go with us wherever we go (Joshua 1:9), just like he did with Joshua. As long as we stay in the Bible, the Word will light our path so that we’ll know where to go and how to get there (Psalm 119:105). The Word lightens the path so that we can clearly see where we are to go (1 Pet. 1:18); we just have to take that first step.

The Overwhelming Call

When Jeremiah was called to go and preach to the nation of Israel, he already knew they would reject his message, but he went anyway. At first he felt he couldn’t do it, but then he felt that fire in his bosom, which he couldn’t contain, much like a fire that couldn’t be restrained (Jer. 20:9). If God is calling you to something, you won’t be able to restrain it. Maybe it’s a calling to minister to those in a local nursing home, possibly a calling to visit the sick or the shut-ins. Maybe it’s a calling to start a prison ministry, or maybe even a calling to witness to the lost. I can’t answer what God is calling you to do–you will know. Others might see it in you. Whatever that calling is, since God is all-knowing and has called you to do something, why not step out on faith and just do it?

A Closing Prayer

Father God, please help me to know clearly what You are calling me to do so that I will have no doubt because I want to do what Your will is for my life. Help me to kill the doubt and fear of stepping out and doing what You would have me do.  In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.


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