Tuesday, September 13, 2016


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law (Galatians 5:22-23).The atmosphere is your surroundings. You may find yourself in a very hostile atmosphere where the fruit and works of the flesh are being manifested. As you yield to the Holy Spirit, however, He will throw a wet blanket on the unkind thing that you wanted to say. The Holy Spirit will build a fire of His own that will bring warmth to a cold atmosphere, hope to a despairing atmosphere, joy to a saddening atmosphere, and love to a bitter, revengeful atmosphere. This is why the first three triplets--love, joy, and peace--are atmosphere-changing fruit.
     The second three triplets--long-suffering, gentleness, goodness--are attitude-changing fruit. Even though we are saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, each of us has the potential to have an attitude. God sometimes lets us go through difficult situations to let us see what's really inside us. When we see our own helplessness, weakness, and despair, it causes us to cry out, "God, I need You!"
     You have a strength that defies human logic. You have an ability to stand that you cannot attribute to anyone but God. You have a peace that even the apostle Paul couldn't understand, so he called it the "peace of God, which passeth all understanding" (Phil. 4:7 KJV). We call this third triplet--faith, meekness, and self-control--attribute-changing fruit because these qualities cannot be attributed to you but only to the Holy Spirit.
     Within you lies the ability to become whatever you choose to be. Saint James Assembly of Faith

CONSIDERATIONS:1. The first three triplets--love, joy, and peace--are atmosphere-changing fruit. Describe how the first three triplets can change the atmosphere in your life.

2. The second three triplets-- long-suffering, gentleness, and goodness--are attitude-changing fruit. Do you need an attitude adjustment? In what ways?

3. The third three triplets--faith, meekness, and self-control--are attribute-changing fruit, because these qualities cannot be attributed to you but only to the Holy Spirit. Are these three attributes working within you? Why or why not?

4. You have a strength within you that defies human logic. Are you accessing that strength when troubles arise, or are you stumbling under the weight?

5. "Within you lies the ability to become whatever you choose to be." Do you believe this statement? Write what you want to become. Take steps toward achieving that goal.

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