Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What are you holding onto today that you need to let go to God?

Philippians 3:13-14

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Give It to God

Have you heard the expression “let go and let God”? Well, that is partially true. If we keep holding onto things too tightly, we cannot have open hands that can receive, so its better to let go of it today and give it to God. Isaiah gives us some great advice to stop remembering the former things in our life or thinking about all the old things we used to do or are still doing but to give it up to God (Isaiah 43:18-19). We can’t put our hand to the plow and then take it back again (Luke 9:62). Remember Lot’s wife? She looked back, and that did not end well for her (Gen. 19:26). What are you holding onto today that you need to let go of and give to God?

Holding Onto Something?

Let me admit something to you. When I was very young, a friend of mine took my car without permission and totaled it. He never paid me back for that. I could have had him thrown in jail, but I didn’t. He promised to pay me back if I didn’t turn him in, but he never did. I was so mad. For many, many years I kept holding onto this grudge, and even after I was saved, it kept coming up time after time. Since God has forgiven me so much more, how could I place the same value over something that doesn’t really matter after all? People are always more important than things. For one thing, this friend of mine is not saved. I have tried to tell him about Christ, but he keeps shutting me down. I finally went up to him and asked him if he remembered the car of mine that he stole, and he just gave me a blank look. I think he did, but I told him, “I forgive you.” Again, he was speechless. I told him that God has forgiven me so much more than anyone could ever do to me in a lifetime. But again, just a blank stare was all I got. That’s okay. I would have loved to have an apology, but I forgave him anyway. I just had to let go of this and give it to God. Now I pray for my friend to be saved. That is the most important thing, not that car of mine so many years ago.

What Is It You’re Holding?

Maybe you have something that is hard to let go of. What is it? Is it an old grudge? Is it something that you can’t forgive and forget? Is it an old flame who broke your heart many years ago and you’re still angry at them? Is it your money that you can’t be generous with? Maybe it’s your favorite football team that you still devote way too much time to and causes you to miss church some days. I don’t know what that is for you, but you do! What are you holding onto today that you, like I, need to let God have it? Maybe today’s the day to finally release your grip, empty your hands, and give it up to God.

A Closing Prayer

Righteous Father, You are such a good God, forgiving me when I didn’t deserve it, being patient with me for all these years with my clenched fists that refused to let go.  Thank You for waiting for me to give it up to You.  Now I pray someone else reading this will let go of what they’ve been holding onto so very tight for so many years, and I pray this in the strong name of Jesus Christ.


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