Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Work for the Right Purpose

Devotional Passage: Colossians 3:23-25         Saint James Assembly of Faith
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as the the Lord, and not unto men. Colossians 3:23
The daily duties of the White House are carried out by a staff unrelated to a political party. The pastry chef does not do better or worse work based on who will attend a particular event. He crafts each menu with care, because he understands the larger purpose of his work is to present the best of American delicacies to White House guests. The foundation for his work is not politics or pastries, but purpose.
Paul wrote to teach about submission in different contexts of life. Those who are under authority are to honor those placed over them. We do our work “heartily,” because it is not ultimately men to whom we submit ourselves, but to God.
Just as the White House pastry chef performs his work for a higher purpose, our work goes beyond the desire of pleasing people and even beyond the duty of the task itself. Each task becomes an act of worship, offered joyfully unto the Lord. When we are faithful in our tasks toward people, it may benefit others and receive accolades, but more importantly, we honor the Lord with our work.
Father, let me remember today that You are the One for whom all of my work is done.

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