Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Taming YOUR Tongue

     Words are the vehicle through which we communicate our thoughts; the tongue is the driver. As such, it takes us to our destiny. Moving in spiritual maturity requires that we learn to speak the right words in the right season and for the right reason.
     As the Holy Spirit sensitizes us to the negative uses of the tongue, we will begin to resist the temptation to drive down the wrong verbal path. If you find you are constantly at war with your tongue, I invite you to stop your harmful expressions. I guarantee you that at the end of this fast, you will become spiritually empowered as you transform your tongue into a wellspring of life. {Deborah Smith Pegues}

     Join us on our Facebook page for this 30 day series on taming your tongue. Who hasn't sometimes struggled with saying the wrong thing at the wrong time?

Saint James Assembly of Faith

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