Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Set Apart by the Father Read John 10:22-42

"Why do you call it blasphemy when I say, "I am the Son of God?' After all, the Father set Me apart and sent Me into the world" (John 10:36).

Some countries concluded that sport was of crucial importance to their national image. In order to develop the best sportsmen and -women, to reach the highest standards they target athletes at an early age. Then they send them to academies to be trained by the best coaches. Such potential stars are "set apart" and prepared for great things.
     God did something similar - especially in the Bible. He chose, and set apart, certain people to be His chosen instruments; He would use them to achieve His goal of bringing hope, healing and wholeness to all of humanity. This "setting apart" is called "sanctification" (to make holy). Jesus knew that God the Father set Him apart and sanctified Him as Savior and to be His Son. Jesus was not set apart from the world. He was set apart in the world, to be God's special envoy for the world.
     He has always been God's representative for you. His ministry is for the whole world, but He also has a special ministry to you. You are His follower and friend and He is with you through whatever problems or victories you may have. He is the person that God set apart to be there for you; to help you as you wrestle with faith; in your suffering and successes. Because He lived in the world of labor, strife and pain Himself, it is possible for Him to instruct you to stay on the right path.

I have a great need for Christ, I have a great Christ for my need.
~ Charles H. Spurgeon ~

 Saint James Assembly of Faith

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