Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bible Quiz: Up from the Grave He Arose!

Directions: Find your answers in Matthew 27:62-67; 28:1-20; Mark 16:1-20; John 20:24-28

1. Pilate set a watch over the tomb at the request of __________
2. Why did Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James come to the tomb when the Sabbath was past? _________________
3. Who moved the stone? _________________________
4. Who came with Zebedee's wife and the mother of James and John to the tomb? ______________________________
5. Who told Mary that Jesus was not in the tomb, but He had risen? ______________________________
6. "Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is _____; he is _____ here: behold the place where they laid him."
7. With what two emotions did the women leave the empty tomb (Matthew 28:8)? ______________________________
8. To whom did Jesus first appear after His resurrection (Mark 16:9)? ________________________________________
9. As the women went to tell Jesus' disciples that Jesus had risen, who did they meet on the way? _______________________
10. What was the disciples' response when they were told Jesus had risen (Mark 16:11)? _____________________________
11. Why did the guards report the disciples had stolen the body? __________________________________________________
12. Jesus had promised to meet His disciples where? _______________
13. Which disciple would not believe unless he could see the nail marks? ____________________
14. Who did Jesus reprimand (upbraid) for not believing in the resurrection after others had seen Him? __________________
15. Jesus said, "_______power is given unto me in heaven and in ________."
16. "Go ye into _____the world, and preach the ________ to every creature."
17. "Go ye therefore, and ______ all nations, ______ them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."
18. "Teaching them to observe ______things whatsoever I have commanded you."
19. At the end of Mark, where is Jesus sitting? _______________

Saint James Assembly of Faith 

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