Saturday, February 11, 2017

Broken Hearts {Read Luke 23:44-49}

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.  ~Thomas Moore~

When all the crowd that came to see the crucifixion saw all that had happened, they went home in deep sorrow (Luke 23:48).

     Death is a bewildering moment. When an elderly person dies, it is difficult to accept straightaway that someone who was here yesterday is gone today. When a young person dies of an incurable disease, it seems like such a waste; you can't help thinking of what that person could have achieved.
     The crowds who saw Jesus die on the cross went home with broken hearts. They were hoping for wonderful things He was still going to do. Some hoped He would set Israel free from Roman oppression. Now that dream had died with Jesus. Others believed that He was the promised Messiah. Then there were those who loved Him for His uncomplicated love of people, and through that love they got to know God and love Him.
     The disciples were probably more shocked than anybody else. There was enough reason for everybody to feel deep sorrow. Even God was sad - it was His Son they killed.
     When you are sad, always remember that Jesus will comfort you. He walked the road to Golgotha; He knew suffering, anxiety and loneliness, and He reaches out to you in your affliction. You do not walk alone, Jesus walks with you. And when you come back home in tears, dealing with all the stress and heartache, He will stay with you until you can face the world again.

Loving Savior, comfort everybody with a broken heart. Amen. 

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