Thursday, February 9, 2017

Where Are You Headed? {Read John 13:1-17}

Heaven will be the perfection we have always longed for. All the things that made earth unlovely and tragic will be absent in heaven. ~Billy Graham~

Jesus knew that the Father had given Him authority over everything and that He had come from God and would return to God (John 13:3).

     An elderly lady was in hospital, seriously ill. The family members had been called and were gathered around her bed. The curtains were drawn and she lay motionless for hours. Then the physician quietly entered the room and nodded to the family. He took her pulse, laid his hand on her head and listened. Finally he looked at the family, shook his head and said, "I'm afraid she is going downhill." The old lady suddenly opened her eyes and replied, "This lady is going nowhere, and when she does go somewhere, it will be up!"
     Jesus always knew that He came from the Father, but now He was intensely aware that He would soon return to the glory He had to leave to come to earth. He could look beyond pain, deceit, cruelty, mockery and unrighteousness and take pleasure in the joyous homecoming He knew awaited Him in His Father's house.
     A person ought to know where they are headed. Look beyond the suffering, loneliness and loss of everything you treasured. Look up to God. Look at Jesus. Think of heaven, that is your final destination. Think of the reunion with the loved ones you were separated from so long; of the love that will triumph and the earthly trials and tribulations that will be something of the past. Think of the Father's glory and the presence of Jesus in all His glory and greatness. Do you know where you are headed?

Lord Jesus, help me through the Spirit to look beyond the present and see the glory of heaven. Amen. 

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