Sunday, February 12, 2017

Rebel or Savior {Read Luke 23:14}

There are some sciences that may be learned by the head, but the science of Christ crucified can only be learned by the heart. ~Charles H. Spurgeon~

You brought this man to me, accusing Him of leading a revolt. I have examined Him thoroughly on this point in your presence and find Him innocent (Luke 23:14).

     People still "examine" Jesus and always come to the wrong conclusion. Some say that He was just an ordinary teacher and that His followers made such a fuss about Him because they thought He was going to start a protest movement. Others thought He was a well-disguised rebel looking for the opportunity to start an uprising. Others thought His miracles were simply fables and exaggerations. The theories about Jesus are endless.
     Jesus' miracles made them believe that He had greater power than any human being. Evidence proved that He made the blind see, cast out demons, raised the dead, calmed the stormy sea and touched lepers to heal them. When He taught people about God, He spoke in uncomplicated terms so that even the most simple could understand.
     Think fresh about Jesus today and come to your own conclusion. You can write Him off as a rebel, an instigator, a prophet or just a pleasant person who lived long ago. Or you can recognize Him as the One who saved you, died for you, was raised from the dead for you, and who gives you hope for the future. Follow Him in the spirit to Golgotha, hear Him pray for those nailed to the cross and prepare yourself to meet Him after His resurrection. Glorify Him as your Savior and Redeemer.

Lord Jesus, once again we walk the way of suffering with You, hereby intensifying our love for You. Amen. 

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