Thursday, February 16, 2017

Have you ever noticed how inspiring the Bible is, even though it has been the most dissected book in history?

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

The Word Abides Forever

Regarding the Bible, people over the last 2,000 years have burned it and banned it, but never have they broken it. The Word of God cannot be stopped, just like God. The Word of God abides forever (1 Peter 1:25) no matter what people have tried to do. His Word still stands firm in the heavens even after thousands of years, and it will stand forever because, just like God, it is eternal (Psalm 119:89). Everything we see will pass away, but not so with the Word of God (Isaiah 40:8). People have tried to destroy the Bible, but that’s impossible. People have tried to destroy belief in God, but who can destroy God?

Dissecting the Word

I remember dissecting frogs in my biology class in school. This was really not fun, but it was deemed necessary so we could learn more about living organisms and how they function. You can do the same with the Bible but not with the results of what happened to the frog because you cannot kill it. People have tried doing the same thing to the Bible. The Bible has been disparaged, despised, and debated, but it has never been dissected successfully to show that it’s not the Word of God. That’s like saying Jesus is not the Word of God, which the Gospel of John clearly says that He is (John 1:1, 14).

The Inspired Words of God

The Bible is the very power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16) to bring about what God sends it out to do (Isaiah 55:11). It is alive and powerful and cuts down into our innermost thoughts and even the intents of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). The words are spirit, and they are life (John 6:63). Try as they might, they cannot destroy it; they can only hate it or love it. The Word does cut, but it cuts in order to heal. Even a surgeon cuts in order to heal, but the Word wounds to bring life. But for those who reject it, it brings eternal destruction. Have you ever noticed how inspiring the Bible is, even though it has been the most dissected book in history? Who can mute the Word of God? Occasionally in my sermons, I say, “Today part of my sermon will be perfect! The part where I read out of the Bible. My part? Not so much.”

A Closing Prayer

Father, I thank You for Your Word, as it brings eternal life to those who believe it. I would not know you except by Your Word, and it stands forever, from generation to generation and for all time, and is just like You–it abides forever and has no end. I thank You for Your Word in Jesus’ name.


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