Sunday, February 12, 2017

Let Him Save Himself {Read Luke 23:32-43}

God gives the cross, and the cross gives us God. ~Madame Guyon~

The crowd watched and the leaders scoffed. "He saved others," they said, "let Him save Himself if He is really God's Messiah, the Chosen One" (Luke 23:35).

     From the cradle to the grave, we have to struggle to survive in an environment which is often competitive and aggressive. This means we have to acquire the knack to cope, play according to the rules, and in general take care of ourselves. These are forma of self-preservation.
     Jesus lived for others and not for Himself. He taught others, healed and befriended them, led them and always put them first. Even on the cross He prayed for His enemies, forgave the criminal next to Him and asked John to look after His mother. His whole mission on earth was to save others.
     The leaders of the time misunderstood the purpose and aim of His life. To meet God's requirements, Jesus had to save others by not saving Himself.
     Easter is a fresh reminder that the purpose of Jesus' suffering and death was to save us, and to replace our self-satisfaction with concern for others. Ask yourself how you can change so that you will care more for others, give selflessly, and be driven by love. Remind yourself that the focal point of the Easter story is Jesus' loving self-sacrifice, for you and the entire human race. It is at the foot of the cross where you become a new creation.

Crucified Master, fill me with Your sacrificial love. Amen. 

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