Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Final Dedication {Read Luke 23:46-56}

Give your all to Christ, who gave His all for you. ~Anonymous~

Then Jesus shouted, "Father, I entrust My spirit into Your hands!" (Luke 23:46).

     On Good Friday we commemorate Jesus Christ's crucifixion with gratitude. We do this with a mixture of amazement, sorrow, thankfulness and mystery. In spite of all the explanations, there is always something about the crucifixion that challenges human comprehension. It is the moment when we kneel down and wonder how a man who died centuries ago can put us right with God.
     In His dying moments Jesus called out, "Father, I entrust My spirit into Your hands!" Death was not the moment of sacrifice - it was its completion. Jesus dedicated Himself to the Father all His life. As a child, He told His worried parents that He had to be busy with the things of His Father. At His baptism in the Jordan, Jesus dedicated himself, not to His choice of work, but to God's. During His temptation in the wilderness, He subjected Himself to His Father's will, and in Gethsemane He once again surrendered Himself to God. All along the road He walked, He said yes to God. He made His mission of the salvation of humankind His first priority.
     Good Friday is an appropriate time to ask yourself how strong your devotion to God really is. To what extent you have surrendered yourself Him? Even though you did give your life to Him at some stage, it is possible that you have let Him down and fled, like His disciples did? Have years of painful experiences worn away your faith? Today, look at Jesus on the cross and say for the first time, or once again, but with sincerity, "Father, I entrust my spirit into Your hands!"
Father God, let Your will be done today and every day of my life. Amen.  

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