Friday, February 10, 2017

Look at Your King {Read John 19:1-16}

Jesus does not give recipes to show the way to God as other teachers of religion do. He Himself is the Way. ~Karl Barth~

Pilate said to the people, "Look, here is your king!" (John 19:14).

     We often say sarcastically, "There is none as blind as those who will not see." This refers to what we call "selective perception." We don't see everything in sight. We see the things we are interested in, that excite us or that frighten us.
     As today's Christians we must stop our normal activities and look at Jesus. Let us choose to see Him and remind ourselves of His crucifixion. Look with eyes of faith at the historical occasion in Jerusalem two thousand years ago. Take note of what Pilate said to the crowds, "Here is your king!" The priests chose not to see Jesus. Suddenly the Caesar of Rome - whose rule they hated - was the king they wanted to see.
     Through the ages, people chose to see the crucified Jesus as their King - or they chose another they preferred above Jesus to dominate their lives and rule their hearts. Two thousand years later He is still on the throne. Caesar is history.
     Choose the King you want to look up to and serve Him to the best of your ability. Choose the One who rules from the cross and who has a crown of thorns on His head. His kingdom is coming!

Lord Jesus Christ, I bow before Your throne and acknowledge You as my only King! Amen. 

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