Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Mystery of the Cross {Read Luke 23:39}

The cross alone is our theology. ~Martin Luther~

So you're the Messiah, are You? Prove it by saving Yourself - and us, too, while You're at it! (Luke 23:39).

     People like watching magic tricks and sleight of hand. Circus performers take your breath away with their stunts. Magicians and conjurers leave people dumbfounded by their tricks.
     Crowds in Palestine undoubtedly flocked to Jesus, not as much to hear what He had to say about God, but to be present when He performed a miracle. Many could probably not tell the difference between His mighty acts and the entertainment provided by magicians. One of the criminals on the cross expected Jesus to perform another miracle by saving Himself and them too. What on earth, the criminal may have thought, is the use of performing miracles if you can't use this skill to save yourself in a critical situation like this?
     Because of the way he reasoned, he didn't realize that a miracle was indeed taking place. Right next to him, the holy God of love was performing the great miracle of the salvation of humankind. Magic tricks amuse for a short while, but they have no permanent worth. The miracle of salvation and redemption is for all time. It changes lives, saves souls, changes evil people into good ones and brings faith to doubting hearts. The wonder of the love of Christ, manifested by His death, means eternal life for those who first despaired but then believed and hoped.
     Easter acknowledges the cross of Jesus Christ as the miracle of God's grace, which it is indeed. Change the criminal's words and say, "You are the Christ of God, save me now and forever!"

Crucified Savior, save us by Your miracle of love. Amen. 

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