Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Listen, God Is Speaking {Read John 12:20-30}

Words that do not give the light of Christ only make the darkness worse. ~ Mother Teresa ~

Then a voice spoke from heaven, saying, "I have already brought glory to My name, and I will do so again" (John 12:28).

    Sometimes people claim that God spoke to them. Jean d' Arc heard so many "voices" that people thought she was mentally disturbed. There are people who claim that God told them to do something. Many of these allegations are untrue - they are simply claiming God's authority to justify their own selfish aims. 
     God speaks throughout the entire Bible. When Jesus prayed to His Father and asked for glory to be brought to His name, "a voice spoke from heaven." Some of the people present heard it as the sound of thunder, and often in the Old Testament thunder was regarded as God's voice. Whatever sound they might have heard, God spoke to both Jesus and the crowd. God was saying to Jesus that He had already brought glory to His name by raising Lazarus and that He would do it again with the death and resurrection of the Son.
     Does God ever speak to you? Do you listen for His voice during your daily prayers and when you read the Bible? Do you listen when you worship in church on a Sunday, or in your cell group, or in your conversations with friends? Sometimes God speaks by making you conscious of a certain matter that you need to know about. At other times, He speaks to challenge you; sometimes to comfort you, and always to encourage and assure you of His love.

Father God, urge me to listen and obey when You speak. Amen.    

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