Friday, February 3, 2017

Do You Believe? {Read John 12:37-50}

God is best known in Christ; the sun is not seen but by the light of the sun. ~William Bridge~

Jesus shouted to the crowds, "If you trust Me, you are trusting not only Me, but also God who sent Me" (John 12:44).

     Some people accept that there is a "supreme being," but they say they cannot believe anything more than that. This means that they think there is "something" bigger, better and higher.
     Jesus is not in this category. He is not a "something." He is a "He!" He is real, a person of flesh and blood. People saw Him in the flesh, the same as all other human beings. They met Him, touched Him, spoke to Him, responded to Him and had a relationship with Him. They even knew His family. They knew Him as the son of the carpenter on the street corner. And even if they did accept that God would one day send a Messiah, He would be a royal figure, not an ordinary carpenter.
     Those who experienced Jesus' sincerity and love found it difficult to associate "this man down here" with "that God above." And those who responded to Him were not the normal "religious types." Even Jesus found it difficult to convince them that He was the one sent by God. "You don't believe only in a carpenter," He said, "you are accepting the God of eternity." 
     Believe in Jesus Christ and find your God and your life in Him. He is the greatest proof of the only true, personal God that has ever existed.

We thank You, Lord our God, that You are the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and therefore also our God. Amen.   

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