Thursday, February 2, 2017

Everybody! {Read John 12:20-36}

The gospel is not speculation but fact. It is truth, because it is the record of a person who is the Truth. ~ Alexander MacLaren ~

"When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Myself" (John 12:32).

     Some activities are practiced in certain cultures only. Snake charmers are peculiar to India; eating fish and chips wrapped in a newspaper is unmistakably British. Jesus was universal. He was the Savior of all people. In biblical times, some Jews and also many "heathens" turned to Him. Soon the Greeks started believing in Him and also the Romans. Augustine was one of the early church fathers, and He was from Africa. Columba, another devout church father, was from Ireland. He took the message of Jesus to the island of Iona on the coast of Scotland and used it as a base from which to introduce Jesus to the northern part of Britain. Today, millions of people believe in Jesus and He is worshiped from Fiji to Finland, Chile to China, and Namibia to New Zealand.
     Christ is universal because He personifies God's love to all people and because He died for all humankind. His cross is much more than an adornment. It is a proclamation, a symbol of life through death. It is God's word to a world of violence and evil. It looks ahead with hope for the future and declares that God loves, that God forgives and that God saves.
     If you have always believed in Jesus, devote yourself to Him anew. If you have never believed in Him, give yourself to the Man of Golgotha and to God. Let Christ's dying blood flow into your heart until it overflows with compassion toward all people. And let that love, His love, be your reason for living. 

Lord Jesus, give me the faith to reach out to all people with Your salvation message. Amen.  

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