Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Who Rolled the Stone Away? {Read Luke 24:1-12}

Without the resurrection there will not be a Christianity - Christianity stands or falls with the resurrection, and this single factor makes Christianity remarkably one of a kind.
~ Steve Kumar ~

They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance (Luke 24:2).

     When someone is healed from a serious illness, we might say, "The age of miracles has not yet passed." During Easter we celebrate one of God's greatest miracles of all time - the resurrection of Jesus from the dead!
     The question at that moment was, "Who rolled the stone aside?" How did Jesus' dead body come to life again and how did He leave the rock tomb when a heavy stone was covering the entrance? At that time, the guards that were specifically appointed to prevent the body from being stolen fabricated the story that the disciples stole the body. By means of a mighty act of His power, the Eternal God rolled away the stone, brought His Son back to life, and by doing this introduced a new era in history.
     That same God still rolls away stones. He rolls away the stone of our unbelief that declares, "This is impossible! Dead people don't return to life!" He rolls away the stone of our desperation that claims, "In the end, He is also subject to nature and death." He rolls away the stone of our fear and says, "I entered death and tasted the glory of resurrection from death. And so will you!" There is only one explanation of what happened that first Easter morning in the garden - God! Don't seek or ask for any other answer: "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" (1 Corinthians 15:54-55).

Living Lord Jesus, because You live, Your children will also live. Amen. 

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