Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Basket Case

"I took the load off their shoulders; I let them put down their baskets" (Psalm 81:6, NCV).

     People in developing countries typically have few options when a heavy load of some kind must be moved. In Africa, a tribal woman can carry up to 70% of her body weight on the top of her head. Physical burdens are--yes--burdensome and require strength and stamina.
     Spiritual and emotional burdens are the same. The heaviness and fatigue of the soul can bring depression and even a loss of hope. There is great news, however! We have a burden bearer--one who is well equipped and ready to remove our hands from our heavy load! Our responsibility is to let him do it. Put all of your concerns, worries, fears, and doubts into God's mighty basket and let him haul it away! You don't have to be a basket case! 
     Lord, today I'm placing all of my concerns into your ample basket. I release it to your care. As you solve all these issues, let me know how to proceed one step at a time. Thank you for being my burden bearer!

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