Friday, September 7, 2018

Held Together

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17, NIV).

     Often life seems to be a conglomeration of unrelated activities and we feel pulled in a thousand directions simultaneously. Loose ends, unfinished business, and to-do lists leave us feeling a day late and a dollar short. Frustration, discouragement, and anxiety often overwhelm. The apostle Paul must have experienced something similar when he was on a ship headed to Jerusalem to be tried in court. An enormous storm raged. In an effort to survive, the sailors wrapped ropes around the body of the ship to keep it from falling apart. God promised Paul that all would survive the wreck, and they did!
     What an amazing truth it is to know that it is not our job to hold our lives together. Our responsibility is to submit our to-do lists to God, bow to his will, and let him hold it all together. He is the rope that holds us fast.
     Lord, thank you that you are the glue that keeps me together. Today as I face the impossible list of my responsibilities, I submit to your will and ask you to hold everything in place. 

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