Saturday, September 1, 2018

Overwhelming Devotion

This forever-song I sing of the gentle love of God overwhelming me! Young and old alike will hear about your faithful, steadfast love--never failing! Here's my chorus: "Your mercy grows through the ages. Your faithfulness is firm, rising up to the skies" (Psalm 89:1-2, TPT).

     God in his great power and faithfulness never fails us, never gives up on us, and will never leave us alone to fend for ourselves. His love for us remains--regardless of our circumstances or our weaknesses--strong and immovable. His devotion to his children exceeds that of all parents. He is without limits, and nothing can ever change his devotion.
     This truth is overwhelmingly satisfying; when such devotion has been proven, what else could attract our gaze? Where else could our eyes find such beauty and purity as they do upon the face of Jesus? In awe, we recognize that his gaze is fixed right back at us, seeing us as a lovely and worthy prize. We can neither deserve this gaze nor escape it. We are flawed, but he is unwavering in his love for us.
     Thank you, Father, that you are wholly devoted to me. Your love is mine to enjoy forever. Help me to remain in that love.

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