Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A Season of Waiting

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps (Proverbs 16:9, NIV).

     Being in a season of waiting can be trying. When our flesh desires the next thing, and God has a different plan, we might feel our trust waver in weakness. We might cry out in frustration or get angry at the tiniest of things. Our flesh can be our biggest adversary. It has desires that are ungodly, wants that are unnecessary, and longings that just aren't right for us. This is where faith comes in.
     Believing in something we can't see isn't for the faint of heart. It takes prayer, a listening ear, and trust. There is a beautiful gift to unwavering trust in God; we can give up control because there is nothing we can do anyway. There is no point in frantically worrying because he has decided for us. He will gladly take the burden from us.
     Do you have an unwavering trust in God that he has determined your life plan? Trusting in a God who loves you unconditionally and has your best interests at the forefront of his mind is an incredible place to rest.

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