Thursday, September 20, 2018

Loving Enemies

     Love your enemy. We've all heard it, but how do we live it? It's a baffling command; an enemy is defined as someone actively opposed to you. How will you help your children when it comes time for them to face--and to love--someone who wants to see them fail?
     To show love to someone engaged in trying to topple us requires superhuman strength. Do we have superhuman strength? Do our children? None of us does, yet Jesus tells us we must. He wants us to be set apart, so others will know he lives in us. We must rely on the Holy Spirit, move out of the way, and let his love rule our hearts.
     "But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!"
(Matthew 5:44, NLT).
     What might the world look like if all God's children spent a portion of their day praying for anyone who might wish them harm? What would the world see in you, or in your kids, if you chose to live this way? Share your thoughts on this with God.

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