Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Family of Jesus

     You may come from a traditional family or a pieced-together family. You may have been adopted, abandoned, or put through the foster system. Whatever your story, when you accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, you were welcomed into one big, happy family. Isn't that a beautiful picture? People gathered together, doing the will of God, rejoicing in togetherness for one purpose--to glorify God.
     Whatever your life story up to the point of accepting Jesus, let it be your past and not your present or your future. If you were lost, you are found in Christ. If you were broken, you are being put back together. If you were a mess, you are being pruned and reshaped. If you were alone, you are surrounded by a body of believers.
     [Jesus] remarked, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" He pointed to his disciples. "Look!" he said, "these are my mother and brothers." Then he added, "Anyone who obeys my Father in heaven is my brother, sister, and mother!" (Matthew 12:48-5-, TLB).
     What was your family like before you became a believer? What is your new family like? Does it give you peace to know you are accepted into the family of Christ?

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