Saturday, September 1, 2018


"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden" (Matthew 5:14, ESV).

     Lights from major cities like Los Angeles, Nashville, and Atlanta can be seen from space. In fact, their brilliance increases 50% more during the holiday season! These cities simply cannot be hidden.
     As believers, we are to be a light, shining for all to see. If there ever was a time in history where the beacon of light needed to illuminate the darkness, it is now! We dare not hide behind the facade of political correctness and fear, but rather speak and live in the luminescence of Christ's truth. We have the light of the world living in us and we know the truth sets us free.
     Lord, shine through me this day. Give me courage to speak and live accordingly to your Word, no matter what the world may say I want your glow to radiate through me. 

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