Friday, September 21, 2018


     Most expectant mothers in our culture are thrown a baby shower. Along with gifts of diapers, toys, and clothes, they are also handed a ton of advice from seasoned mothers.
     "It takes a village to raise a child." This is such a true expression. Sometimes we don't have all the answers, but there is always a mom who has walked this road ahead of us. That experience gives her wisdom and perspective from a road already traveled. Instead of determining to figure it all out on our own, it is good to ask questions and glean wisdom from others. They are our God-given village.
     [Older women] can teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be wise and pure, to be good workers at home, to be kind (Titus 2:4-5, NCV).
     Who in your life can you glean wisdom and learning from? Seek these women out. They are eager to lend a hand and lighten your load. Embrace them, cry on their shoulders, and appreciate their compassionate hearts. They are a wonderful gift to all who are willing to accept help and learn.

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