Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bridging the Gap

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see (Hebrews 11:1, NLT).

     Do you ever feel like there is an enormous gap between what you know to be true in God's Word and what you feel to be true? Our feelings are so fickle. They fluctuate depending on our circumstances much as our moods change with the weather. The good news is that they don't change facts! God promises strength, wisdom, peace, hope, direction, comfort, forgiveness, courage, eternal life, and so much more. These are unchangeable--they are written in stone.
     How do we move from the tyranny of emotions to the confidence of faith? We must determine to believe what God says instead of what our emotions say, and then declare his promises aloud! Then we do it again and again and again until faith rises and bridges the gap.
     Lord, your Word is true and I know it. Right now, I feel so alone and frightened even though I know you promise never to leave me or forsake me. I choose to believe the truth. Help me now by the power of your Spirit.

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