Monday, June 19, 2017


God is a great redeemer. He can turn our worst mistakes into ultimate blessings when we come to him with a humble, truthful heart.

My own failures, foibles, and flaws are like storms of shame and frustration that recur regularly in my life, Lord. That's why I want to learn to look at them from your perspective. How do you see those things? It seems as though they tether me to you, reminding me of my need for your grace and mercy and love. They keep me from wandering too far away from you in arrogant self-assurance. They remind me to be gentle with others who are struggling. They are opportunities for growth. They nurture the peaceful quality of humility in my life. Next time I stumble, Lord, remind me of these things. Keep me from letting unnecessary storms ruin the day you have made for me to rejoice in.

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