Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Sometimes we find ourselves needing God's guidance out of a sticky situation that our impulsive decision-making has gotten us into. God is always willing to help us get back on track.
     If we believe our Creator knows us completely and loves us fully, then he certainly has our best interest at heart, as well as the wisdom to accomplish the best outcome for us.

The guide is the one who leads, right, Father? Then why do I find myself running ahead of you so often? I see something I want, and I just start running for it. I'm like a kid who sees an ice cream truck across the street and runs into the road without thinking. My impulsive ways are not just foolish but also dangerous, aren't they? Thank you for all the times you've saved me from myself. I know there is a wiser, safer way, and I'm on it when I'm right on the heels of my faithful guide--you.

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