Thursday, June 8, 2017


Lord, my days are filled with so many different kinds of choices! There are at least a dozen laundry soaps I can choose from at the store. There are several different ways I might order my day. There are choices to make about my budget. And there are times when I feel myself pausing in a conversation, wondering whether to say a certain thing or not. I realize that some of these choices matter more than others--some have to do with what’s right and wrong, while others are just about preferences and druthers. As I consider this, I need your guidance each day to help me discern, moment-to-moment, when I am at a juncture that matters and when I should carefully choose what to say or do next. 
I have a friend whose rule to live by when faced with a difficult choice is “Do the next right thing.” When what is right is apparent, the choice becomes simple (though not always easy). “But,” she tells me, “doing the next right thing leaves me with fewer regrets and better sleep at night.”
Image result for ocean view with a lighthouse

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