Thursday, June 15, 2017


The humble He guides in justice,
And the humble He teaches His way.
All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,
To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.
--PSALM 25:9-10 NKJV

Today I want to spend time with you, Renewing Spirit. In fact, I'd like to spend the whole day just being in your presence. For this one day I will not worry about the work I have to do or the goals I want to accomplish. I will pull back and simply listen for your guidance. I'm willing to change my life in order to fit your perfect will, and I ask that you begin that work in my heart. I'll let go of personal ambition, for now. I'll loosen my grip on the things I've wanted to accomplish and the recognition I've craved for so long. All of this I give over to you. I'm content to be a servant for now, quiet and unnoticed, if that is what you desire. I'm even willing to be misunderstood, if you will only respond to my sincere prayer for a renewed heart. Thank you. I need you so much. 

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