Tuesday, June 27, 2017


No amount of bad news can change the truth about the Good News--the eternal Gospel of peace with God through Christ.

When the storms of life are ranging around me, I need to remind myself about you, Father. The news I hear of what's going on in the world can be disturbing, but just a walk or drive outdoors can remind me that you are still the one who makes the sun rise and set, who causes life to spring up from the earth, who orders both the orbitals of atomic particles and the orbits of galaxies. The changing of the seasons reminds me of the intricate plan you have set in motion for maintaining life on earth and your faithfulness in carrying it out from generation to generation. I'm reminded again that although the freedom you grant us in this life means that some people will make terrible choices, the truth of your goodness remains constant. All who take refuge in you and trust in you enjoy ultimate peace.

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