Monday, April 30, 2018

Jabez (Part 4)

"Oh, that... Your hand would be with me."  1 Ch 4:10 NKJV

     Not only did Jabez have great ambition , he had a growing faith and a deep trust in God. He had enough faith to pray and expect an answer. He was like the pioneer missionary William Carey, who said, "Expect great things from God, and attempt great things for God." There's no mention of Jabez having any special ability or talent. The Bible doesn't say he was wealthy or educated. He was simply a common man with an uncommon faith. Don't worry about what you don't have--if you have faith! God will give you the necessary power. He loves to use ordinary people who are willing to trust Him, and see them succeed. Lots of super-talented people sit on the sidelines while ordinary people with faith score the goals and win. And you can be one of them. Another interesting fact about Jabez is he apparently had some type of handicap or disability. In the Hebrew language "Jabez" means "painful." Jabez caused his mother so much grief during childbirth that she named him Painful. How would you like to go through life with that name? He may have been unwanted and unloved. But he was stronger than his handicap, and his faith kept him going. His eyes weren't on the past, they were on the future. He believed that if God blessed him, then his future would be greater than his past. What's your handicap? Is it physical? Is it spiritual? Is it an unhappy childhood? Is it a frustrating job or a broken marriage? Whatever it may be, Jesus said, "Everything is possible for him who believes" (Mk 9:23 NIV).


Jabez (Part 3)

     "So God granted him what he requested."  1 Ch 4:10 NKJV

     When Jabez prayed, "Enlarge my territory," he was saying, "Lord, i want more than I've got, and I'm asking You for it! This man had great ambitions, and God blessed them. There are three common misconceptions that can keep us from having great ambitions: (1) We confuse fear with humility. We say, "Oh, I could never do that," and think we're being humble. But that's not humility. That's fear; that's lack of faith. A truly humble person would say, "With God's help I can do it. With God's blessing I will do it. I may not be able to do it on my own, but with God's help I can." That's real humility. (2) We tend to confuse laziness with contentment. We quote Paul: "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Php 4:11 NIV). But this doesn't mean that you shouldn't set goals. Paul wasn't saying, "I don't have any ambitions or future plans." Just the opposite, in fact! He spoke of "reaching forth [to] those things which are before" (Php 3:13). If you don't have a dream or a goal, ask God for one. (3) We confuse small thinking with spirituality. Some people say, "I serve God in my little way." Why don't you start serving Him in a bigger way? Why not let Him use you more? Other people say, "Well, I'm just fine the way I am. That's the way God made me." It's wrong to blame God for your lack of growth, because He has provided all the tools and ideas you need in order to grow. Bottom line: Think big or you'll get in God's way! 

Daily Devotional
The Word For You Today
Midway Church  

Jabez (Part 2)

     "Oh, that You would bless me indeed."  1 Ch 4:10 NKJV

     Jabez prayed that God would bless him in three specific ways: (1) "Enlarge my territory." He had a dream of owning more land, and he asked God to bless that dream. When you stop dreaming you lose direction. When you stop setting goals you stop growing. You must have something you're pushing toward. As long as the horizon is expanding, you'll be spiritually and emotionally healthy. (2) "That Your hand would be with me." God's hand represents His power. Jabez realized that if he got more territory it meant he would have more responsibility. He would have greater demands and more pressure, and he would really need God's help in his life. So he requested God to be with him. And when you ask for God's presence in your life, you can be sure He'll answer. (3) "That You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain." Jabez asked God for His protection. Why? Because in those days the more land you owned, the more influence you had, and the better known you were. And that made you a bigger target. It's still like that today. The more successful you are, the more critics you will have. The more territory you own, the more your enemies will attack you. The closer you grow to the Lord and the stronger you become as a Christian, the more the Devil will harass you because he doesn't want you to grow. But you can be sure, as Jabez was, that with God's protection you don't have to fear anyone or anything. Do you want to break out of mediocrity? Then pray the prayer that Jabez prayed.

Daily Devotional
The Word For You Today
Midway Church  

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Jabez (Part 1)

    "And Jabez called on the God of Israel."  1 Ch 4:10 NKJV

     In the book of First Chronicles the Bible tells us about a man named Jabez. The first nine chapters consist of genealogies, listing more than six hundred names. And right there in the middle of all those names, God singles out one man for special recognition, and his name is Jabez. There are only two verses in the entire Bible about this man, yet he's given honorable mention above the six hundred other people mentioned in the chapter. Why did God single him out? What did Jabez do that caused his name to be preserved for over four thousand years? What made him above average? For the next few days, let's see what we can learn about him. "Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers" (v. 9 NKJV). So, what set him apart? He dared to ask and believe God for great things: "Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh, that You would bless me indeed, that You would enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!' So God granted him what he requested." God wants you to ask Him for great things! He told Jeremiah, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" (Jer 33:3 NIV). Paul tells us that God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Eph 3:20 NIV). You can't out-ask or out-dream God, so start asking Him for what you want-and believe He will give it to you!

Daily Devotional
The Word For You Today
Midway Church  

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Light to the Eyes

   God can help us see life through his eyes. He can bring us beyond our feelings to see the truth about the situation we are facing. We serve a loving Father who longs to see us rejoicing and recognizing the faithfulness of his love for us.
     There is no situation too difficult for him, no trial he can't overcome, no amount of unloving action on our part that can ever sway him from desiring a relationship with us.
     How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord's praise, for he has been good to me (Psalm 13:2-6, NIV).
    What situation do you need discernment about today? Ask God to give light to your eyes. If nothing else today, let him impress upon your heart a measure of his unfailing love for you.

Forget Not His Benefits

     Have you ever noticed the raw humanity of David in the psalms? David is known for the many exploits that he performed courageously. He killed a lion, a bear, and a giant! But the psalms offer us a glimpse into David's heart between his valiant battles. He continually wrestled with his own heart and sin. He wrote of the attributes he knew to be true of God only to follow it up with phrases like, "How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?" (Psalm 13:1, NASB).
     We should not berate ourselves for faith that one day makes us feel like we could slay a giant and the next day we wonder if God even hears our prayers. We are human. What can we do, on those rough days, is take time to remember who he says he is.
     Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits (Psalm 103:1-2, ESV).
     Do you feel like you are prone to forget the benefits of God even if you seemed to know them an hour ago? Take time to ponder the attributes of God. In doing so, he will lift your head. 

He Is Faithful

     The faithfulness of God is something we so easily find ourselves questioning. Though he has proven himself time and time again throughout history, we still wonder whether or not he will come through for us.
     But the reality is that whether the sun is shining or the rain is pouring, whether your song comes easily or your tears pour freely, he continues to be faithful. No matter how long you wait, he remains. He will never turn his back on you, and he will never forget the promises he has made us. He sees you. He sees you on the nights when you're weary and ready to give up, but instead you bow your head and bless his name. He sees you when you're at the end of yourself and you cry out to him in desperation. He sees and he understands.
     All of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!" (2 Corinthians 1:20, NLT).
     Lord, give me the strength to wait on your promises and to never lose faith in your faithfulness.

Friday, April 20, 2018

One Master

     We cannot serve two masters. We just can't. Our masters can look very different depending on our lives. One master is God and our relationship with him. The other? It might be our family, wealth, social status, friends, work, hobbies, or food. It's something that sits on the cusp of dominating our lives.
     We can't serve both masters equally; one has to be placed second. If we spend our time and energy on serving God, if we devote ourselves to him, we will reap a great eternal reward. But if we choose to serve anything other than him, if we devote ourselves to that other master-whatever it is-we will lose in the end.
     "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other" (Matthew 6:24, NIV).
     What master are you serving with the way you live your life? Choose wisely today! Choose to serve the master that matters-the one who loves and cares about you.

Calm in the Storm

     Think about the scariest storm you've ever experienced. Are there days-or even weeks-when your life reminds you of that storm? Obligations pelt your skin like sleet, pressures swirl around like the January wind, and bills come at you like a tornado.
     Only angry clouds are visible everywhere we look. What about little storms: a sick kid the day of the deadline, or a forgotten carpool trip? Where do we go for peace?
     Soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water. Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, "Teacher, don't you care that we're going to drown?" When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Silence! Be still!" Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Then he asked them, "Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?" (Mark 4:37-40, NLT).
     Even if skies are blue in your world today, you know a storm will come eventually. Will you seek safety and comfort from the one who calmed the sea, or will you paddle furiously on your own? With a few words, Jesus quieted the storm. He ended it. Have you ever asked him to do this for you--believing he could?

Hills not Heels!

     Make sure you read that verse right. God isn't going to make you walk in high heels; that would just be mean! Sure, we like to get dressed up from time to time, but we know that high heels should be left behind when we need to do some walking!
     When you need strength, the Lord God is there to help. Like a deer, we want to be able to walk through the hard times gracefully and climb our mountains with steady feet. We don't want to be overcome with weariness, and we certainly don't want to be stumbling the whole way through our difficulties. Are you in need of God's strength today? Instead of reaching for your heels, remember the high hills and God's grace that is yours to help you walk up them!
     The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills (Habakkuk 3:19, NKJV).
     Lord God, be my strength today. I have some difficult things to face and I want to be gracious and able to endure the hills. I trust you to guide my each and every step.

No Parenting Guidebook

     Do you remember those early days as a new mom? However God blessed you with a child, there were likely a couple of terrifying first few moments. One minute it is just you, and the next, there's this tiny being you're suddenly responsible for. Your heart is flooded with love, but your hands have no idea what to do. A guidebook would have been nice.
     There are a million parenting books available, blogs to read, and advice to collect from family and friends who have gone before us on this parenting journey, but we still have to figure it out for ourselves. Before we know it, we do. We don't perfect it, but we're parents. We're certifiable women responsible for another little person, and he or she is surviving just fine. Because really, our guidebook for parenting is love. No matter how often our babies are eating, or how many hours they are sleeping at night, our little ones are loved. That is not only surviving, that is thriving.
     Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! (Romans 11:33, NASB).
     Can you see how far you've come in loving your children?

Short Years

     Motherhood is such a gift. It requires selflessness. It requires work. It tests your patience. And sometimes, the days feel really long. But the days that you are knee-deep in diapers and up at all hours of the night go quickly. Soon you will be entrusting others to care for your children, and eventually asking your children to take care of themselves. So, hard-working mothers, embrace all that motherhood brings--the beautiful and the hard, the days of the laughter and the days of sickness, the days of play and the days of work, the moments of joy and the moments of frustration. 
     Through all of the years, we know that Jesus is walking alongside us. In every moment, no matter the circumstance, he is there; laughing along with us and wiping away our tears. Motherhood is a gift--a privilege. It is honoring and life-giving.
     May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:5, NLT).
     Do you frequently experience the ups and downs of motherhood? Remember in the moments of weakness and moments of joy, that motherhood truly is a gift. And remember who is right beside you through it all.

Thursday, April 19, 2018


     From the beginning of time, humans have known to be ashamed when they have done wrong. Look at Adam and Eve who hid once they were aware of their great sin against God. However, God is light; he is able to expose everything that is hidden. This can explain why we don't like to communicate with God when we know that we have done wrong--we don't want our deeds exposed.
     But Jesus changed all of that. The Bible says that those who believe in him are not condemned! We have come to the light and believed in Jesus; we have received the truth and are saved. If you are struggling with sin, remember that those deeds can be forgiven because you are in God.
     "All who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God"(John 3:20-21, NRSV).
     Heavenly Father, sometimes I feel burdened because of my sin and I want to hide from you. I ask you to relieve me of this burden, and remind me that I am forgiven.
     Let me approach you with boldness, exposing all of my sin, accepting your grace, so that I can walk confidently in your light.

The Forgiveness Circle

     Many of us long-ago memorized a version of the prayer Jesus gave us in Matthew 6 and have repeated it hundreds or thousands of times. Many have taught it to their children as well. We ask for God to be glorified, for just enough food for today, to be forgiven the way we forgive, and to be protected from temptation. "That's all you need to say," Jesus tells us.
     Wait. Back up. To be forgiven how? Since we are all sinners, God's grace is what we count on. Our lives depend on his forgiveness. Just to make sure we got the point, after sharing the prayer in verses 9-13, he follows up with this:
     "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins" (Matthew 6:14-15, NLT).
     How are you teaching your children the importance of forgiveness? According to Jesus, there's only one way to get it, and that is to give it. How is this principle working in your own life?

Break Every Chain

     There is a chance to start over--every day if we need to. From the inside out, we can be transformed and our hearts renewed. We can essentially remake ourselves with the help, healing, and transformative nature of Christ! Jesus died on the cross to promise us a life free from the bondage of sin, free from hopelessness, free from any chains that try to trap us. In Christ, we are set free.
     We need to hear the truth of Christ's promise for us and stop the cycle of hopelessness, defeat, and bondage to sin. All we need to do is get on our knees and pray.
     His purpose in all of this is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him--though he is not far from any one of us (Acts 17:27, TLB).
     Is there an area of your life that you need to repent of and receive freedom from? Wait for God's voice to permeate the deepest, saddest parts of you. He wants you to live a life where he takes care of you. He desires a relationship with you. He is pursuing your heart. He is pursuing all of you.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Being with Jesus

     Christians want to be like Jesus. We ask him daily for his grace, mercy, humility, and love. But the surest way to be like someone is to spend time in their presence.
     Have you been with Jesus enough that people take notice? When someone is with you, do they see the attitudes and evidence of Christ in you? By spending time soaking in the presence of the Lord, reading his Word, and learning his ways, people will soon realize that you've been with him. You will be marked as one who has been in his presence and your life will show his glory to those around you. 
     The leaders saw that Peter and John were not afraid to speak, and they understood that these men had no special training or education. So they were amazed. Then they realized that Peter and John had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13, NCV).
     God, help me to long for your presence so much that I cannot go without you. Help me to need your Word the same way I need food. Give me a consistent longing to be with you so that when people see me, they will see the clear mark of Christ.


     Where there are children, there will be tattling. Just about every child ends up on both sides of this issue in the first decade of life. For some, the urge to out wrongdoers becomes powerful, and a tattletale is born.
     Tattletales who make it to adulthood without outgrowing their penchant for sharing the flaws and foibles of others get a new name: Gossip. We've all heard the expression, "Nobody likes a tattletale," but have you ever wondered where it came from? What's wrong with exposing wrongdoing? In his incredible Sermon on the Mount, Jesus both originated the complaint against tattletales and exposed the reason: drawing attention to the flaws of others takes the focus off our own. 
     "Why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, 'Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye?" (Matthew 7:3-4, NLT).
     Ask God to show you any logs you may be overlooking in your life, and thank him for trusting you with this important parenting lesson when you need to help your children learn to worry about themselves.


     Having integrity means we lack nothing and live without imperfection. It sounds impossible. But in Christ, we are made whole and complete--free from any blemish and stain. Therefore, integrity is present in every believer.
     The good news is it's not something we have to search for or summon up. We are able to live in integrity and make choices according to his will because of the work that God has already done in us. Our integrity is compromised only when we choose to walk out of his wholeness.
     Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, For I wait for You (Psalm 25:21, NKJV).
     In what ways do you choose to walk away from his wholeness? In what ways do you demonstrate integrity?

Gift of Perspective

     We have all heard it from more seasoned moms: "Enjoy your time now; children grow fast." It seems they are eager to give younger moms a piece of advice attained over the years. Perhaps it was the same advice they were given. If we read between the lines, though, we can see that it isn't advice they are trying to give, rather, it's the gift of perspective.
     For a mother, the days can be excruciatingly long, but the years fly by. When we are surviving the younger years, it feels like the evening will never come. The clock seems to get slower during the afternoon. But, the opposite can be said when our children get older. The clock seems to speed up, and we can't get enough time with our young adults. We then realize how very quickly they will leave our homes.

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1, NKJV).

     Do you find yourself wondering, Why did I wish away those younger years of messes and diapers? Don't miss your current season by always looking to the next one. The gift of perspective knows that there were treasures in the young seasons as well.  

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Beautiful Layers

     The art of a painting lies not in what you see, but in the process that has gone into making it what it has become. Usually a painting begins with inspiration: an idea that wants to be expressed. It proceeds with sketching, color, texture, and variations in between. A painter rarely produces exactly what they originally pictured.
     Our life with God can be like a painting. It begins with our faith. Our belief in Jesus sets up our canvas, but the Scriptures call us to add to the depth of our faith by applying colors of goodness, knowledge, and self-control. The beauty emerges as we add perseverance, godliness, affection, and love. These things take time to develop in us. They can involve mistakes, and they can make us look very different. Do you need to add anything to your faith today?

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love (2 Peter 1:5-6, NIV).

     Thank you, Jesus, that you have begun a good work in me. Today, Lord, I need to add some spiritual discipline to my faith. Help me to know you more, help me to control my emotions, help me to persevere, and help me to love.


     There are plenty of things that God alone does in our lives. There are things that only he is able to heal and deliver us from. However, there are also areas in our lives that the Lord would love to move in, but he wants us to partner with him to do so. One of the ways he does this is by inviting us to fast.
     Fasting is intentionally not eating food for a period of time--whether it is for a meal, a day, or a week. God uses fasting to strengthen us spiritually. When we take time to intentionally not "feed" a primal need so that we might lean into him and get strength from him, we will find our internal strength increases. If we can regularly practice not eating food when we are hungry, we find that our strength and ability to say no to a particular sin also increases.

"He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30, ESV).

     Fasting is a tangible way to embrace weakness so that God might increase in you. Even if your effort is feeble, rest assured God will honor you for it.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Turn Down the Volume

     Without a doubt, one of the toughest tasks of motherhood is keeping our cool when our children are out of line. How do we model patience and loving-kindness when they are pushing our buttons--hard?
     For being such adorable creatures, kids sure can inspire a surprising amount of anger in us, can't they? And that anger can occasionally (or maybe even often) be accompanied by yelling and saying things we wish we hadn't said. It never really helps the situation, does it? When we lose it, we lose sight of our intention to build our children up. We add pain and distance to an already difficult situation.
     Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them (Ephesians 4:29, NLT).
      How do you feel after you yell at your kids? How do they feel? The next time you feel that loud, angry voice bubbling up inside you, remember Ephesians 4:29. Ask the Spirit to give you words of encouragement or the strength to walk away until you feel more in control. And when the inevitable happens you lose it anyway, forgive yourself. Remember, his mercies are new every morning.

Rules of Happiness

     Discipline is often followed by tears, so it seems surprising when the Bible associates discipline with happiness! While we may feel ashamed when the Lord convicts our heart of wrongdoing, we need to recognize that God's correction is ultimately for our good. He wants us to do what is right because he loves us.
     It is said that creating boundaries for children gives them contentment because they are clear about right and wrong. This is the way that God teaches us from his law. He doesn't want to enforce rules so that he can punish us when we fail; he wants us to know righteousness so that we can freely walk in it. Will you let him correct, guide, and instruct you in the way you should go? Be blessed as he continues a good work in you.

Happy are those whom you discipline, O LORD, and whom you teach out of your law (Psalm 94:12, NRSV).

     Lord, thank you for guiding me into every good thing. Give me ears to hear and eyes to see the truth of your ways. Help me to learn from your instruction and to know your grace when I need correction. Let me experience the joy of your discipline.


     A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones (Proverbs 14:30, NLT).

     Comparing your life to your friend's life is dangerous. Even the best of us get caught doing it if we aren't careful to guard our hearts. "She has a better job, a bigger house, and a luxurious family vacation every year. My house is tiny, my job is horrid, and we never get to go on vacation!" Sound familiar?
     Jealousy can eat us up inside, leaving us bitter, hardhearted, and cold. Greed and envy can ruin a beautiful friendship. There will always be someone else that has more than we do. Choosing to be content with where we are in life will bring us peace. It will also allow us to genuinely celebrate the fortunes and blessings of others, partaking in their joy. This is a wonderful thing.
     Are you envious of a friend or neighbor? How can you choose to be content with what you have? 


     We never know how we will react when tragedy strikes, when we are beyond our understanding, or when we are faced with an unshakeable circumstance. What can we do to prepare ourselves? Not much in the physical world. But we can prune our hearts. We can ask for total dependence on our Father. We can more fully understand how deep and wide and long his love is for us, so that when we are faced with uncertainty, we cling to what we know is certain--Jesus.
     Jesus is our ultimate support. He is our rock. He is our pillar of strength when we feel unsteady and uncertain. When we question, he is our answer. When we cry out for help, he is our comfort. When we ask why, he whispers his truth of a plan for our lives.

The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge;
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
(Psalm 18:2, NASB).

     What do you think you would cling to in a circumstance that's beyond our understanding? Allow yourself to fall so deeply in love with Jesus that you know nothing else except how to live a life for him. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Held in His Hand

     The problems of life are seen all around us, sometimes on a daily basis. We see troubled families, poverty, and sickness. Maybe you are experiencing some of these afflictions. It is comforting to know that God sees our troubles. He is not a God that stands at a distance. He takes our grief in his hand.
     You may feel helpless, but God is the helper. When the victims of loneliness, hunger, and poverty seek out God, he will meet them. God carefully watches over the hurting and he offers his hand. Jesus knew what it was like to suffer. He experienced trouble and grief, so we know he understands. Will you trust him to intervene when you are feeling troubled? Will you commit yourself to him, so that he can help you? He cares for humanity, and he cares for you!

You, God, see the trouble of the afflicted;
you consider their grief and take it in hand.
The victims commit themselves to you;
you are the helper of the fearless  (Psalm 10:14, NIV).

     Heavenly Father, I bring my troubled heart before you today. I ask you to consider my situation. I give it over to you, knowing that you understand and that you care for me. Help me trust you as a good Father who is always there to help me in my time of need. 

Qualified for the Job

     Whether "Mom" is your only title or one of several, the day you became a mother you took on a full-time job with crazy hours, non-existent pay, and inconsistent benefits. Some days, it's the greatest gift in the world to love and serve our families. On others, we find ourselves wondering, does this job get any easier? Any better?
     On those days with more responsibilities than time, more grumbling than gratitude, rest in this: your employer is not that tantrum-throwing toddler or eye-rolling teenager. God chose you specifically for this family; you were the only candidate for the job, and you are perfectly qualified. You work for him, and he will give you all the support, recognition, and joy you need.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the
Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive
an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you 
are serving  (Colossians 3:23-24, NIV).

     What part of your "work" as a mother is the most difficult for you? Share your struggles with God. Does it help you to remember you are working for him at a job he chose just for you? 

The Offender's Heart

     When someone hurts us deeply, it isn't easy to look past the offense and look into the offender's heart. But that is exactly what God does for us, and he wants us to do the same for others. Again, and again, and again. More often than not, we will discover the offender drowning in their own sea of hurt and despair. They, too, need a great measure of love.
     If we ask God to see our offenders the way he views them, we will develop a deep understanding and compassion for them. Our hurts may even pale in comparison to their pain. We see that they are lost and desire someone to help them. We give them kindness and grace, just as God gave us kindness and grace.

As those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a
heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;
bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has
a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also
should you (Colossians 3:12-13, NASB).

     Are you having difficulty showing grace and compassion to someone in your life that has hurt you? Ask God to change your heart toward your offender. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Crown of Life

     "When will these hard times ever end, Lord?" Do you find yourself praying again and again to be relieved of the challenges of life? You might be struggling through grief, engaged in conflict with someone, giving up an addiction, or just trying to make it through each day without collapsing from exhaustion. Life presents a lot of testing and temptation.
     God doesn't promise an easy life. He does, however, promise a great reward to those who will endure the trials. Strength doesn't have to look like you have it all together when things are hard. It doesn't mean that you come out unscathed in your battles. It means that you have been patient through the struggle and that you have continued to love and trust God. The crown of life is your future hope. One day you will receive God's eternal kingdom, and your troubles will have been worth it. Remain steadfast; your reward is coming.

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him (James 1:12, ESV).

     Lord, teach me to have patience through these times that seem almost too hard to endure. Forgive me for wanting to escape the challenge and look for an easier way out. Remind me of the value of resisting temptation and standing strong. I look forward to receiving the crown of eternal life.

The Labor Cycle

     Often the labor of a mother is cyclical. There are many chores that need to be repeated daily. There are three meals that need to be prepared with two or three snacks in between. There are crumbs on the floor, jelly splotches on the counter, and Sippy cups that need to be washed --every day. There is laundry that literally never ends. And after the house gets put back together, the rooms get straightened, and the kids go to sleep, we end our day knowing that many of those same chores will be repeated again tomorrow. Dear mothers, it is easy to grow weary.
     Weariness can seep in if we fix our eyes purely on the work set before us. The chores will be required of us tomorrow; we cannot change that.But what we can change is what our eyes are fixed upon. We can fix them on Jesus instead of our labors. 

Never become tired of doing good (2 Thessalonians 3:13, NCV).

     Do you feel weary when you think of all you have to do each day? When your eyes are fixed on him, praise will arise from your heart and lips. You will no longer despise your work; you will enjoy it because you are simultaneously enjoying his presence.

Daily Compass

     Starting our day with his truth impressed on our hearts serves as a compass for our daily life. His Spirit floods ours with love, goodness, compassion, and understanding. God's whispered reminders allow us to gain perspective in our situations and help us deal with them in the most empathetic way possible.
     We serve a gentle and humble Father-- a Father who loves us in ways we can't even grasp. He promises communion with him whenever we need it. But this relationship goes two ways. As much as we need his Spirit to serve as our compass, he desires our attention, love, and praise right back.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (Psalm 25:5, NIV).

     Do you take dedicated time to thank God for all he is in your life? Think of a moment you shared with your children when they said something like, "I love you, Mommy; thank you for all you do." Imagine your heavenly Father and the joy it brings him when you praise him for his faithfulness.


     Much of our life feels like a chaotic whirlwind that might never stop; running from activity to activity; washing, drying, and folding what feels like a hundred loads of laundry; cooking meal after meal; stopping fight after fight; cleaning room after room; the list of chaos goes on. With that chaos comes a choice: be crazy in our attitude toward everyone around us, or choose peace. There is an obvious winner.
     The chaos of life is what it is. It will be there as long as we have kids, jobs, and houses to run. It can either be embraced as part of life, minimizing the control it will actually have on who we are, or we can buy into the race, giving chaos the control. Choose not to let chaos win.
This God--his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him (2 Samuel 22:31, ESV).

     What tangible things can you do to embrace the busy, chaotic times in life and remember what truly matters? Don't let chaos gain control of a life that is filled with abundant blessings from the Father who loves you and intricately created you.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Escape from Battle

     Maybe you wrestle with anger or greed. Perhaps your struggle is with pride or vanity. It could be that you find it difficult to be honest or kind. Whatever your battle, you don't battle alone. We all have struggles, but God will not allow us to struggle with something too big to conquer.
     We can be confident in every battle, in every struggle, and in every temptation, God will give us a way out. An escape plan is ready. When we face temptation, we can ask God for his help. He is faithful, and he will answer our cry. 

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13, NIV).

     What battles do you face today? Cry out to him, and have faith that he will rescue you. He won't abandon you; instead, he will strengthen you.

Courage for Christ

     What are your hopes for your life? Perhaps you want a meaningful career, to go on worldwide adventures, to become a wife, or to simply raise wise and wonderful children. Of course we all hope to live a life that honors God, but are we courageous about our faith as much as Paul expresses in this verse?
     Paul knew that the Christ that he preached was offensive to many people; the gospel was very hard for others to accept. However, Paul was confident that eventually all would know the truth of Christ, and in this, he knew that he would not be ashamed. Would you allow this to be your hope as well? Honor God with your whole life by being courageous enough to share Christ with the world.
It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death (Philippians 1:20, ESV).

     Jesus, I want to serve and honor you with my whole life. Teach me to understand the gospel and then give me the courage to share you with others around me. Let me hope and expect, as Paul did, that I will not be at all ashamed.


     When children are born, the most significant part in shaping their identity is knowing to whom they are born. They will also continue to be molded by where they are born and who they have to nurture them as they grow. We all have different stories regarding this. We have birthparents, and the circumstance of our conception can be labeled anything from desired to unwanted.
     You may have been nurtured by loving parents, uncaring parents, struggling parents, or perhaps even no parents. However, those of us who believe in God have something in common. We are all children of God. It was God who created us and brought us into the world. It is God who has been watching over us since we took our first breath. It was God who was overjoyed when we accepted him as our Savior. We have been born again into God's family and nothing in this earth can take that away from us.

As many as received Him,to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God (John 1:12-13, NKJV).

     Heavenly Father, thank you that you have called me into your family. Thank you that you love and care for me as your precious child.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Presence and Protection

     Oftentimes, our culture threatens to destroy the sanctity of family and home. A home that centers around Christ is not easily shaken, nor can it be destroyed. We have nothing to fear because what is God's cannot be destroyed. He reigns and triumphs over anything that tries to take you down.
     We can invite God into our homes. Make him Lord over our families. Trust him because he holds us. Our families are untouchable with God's protection. In all times of trouble, God will be there.

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns (Psalm 46:5, ESV).

     God dwells in the city that cannot be destroyed. Does he dwell in your home? There is safety in trusting him with your life and home. Giving him presence in your family and house invites his protection as well.


     God is serious when he tells us not to be anxious. He isn't just giving us a suggestion. He is telling us of one of the many privileges we have as his children--the gift of never having to worry. Unfortunately, many of us still think we are accomplishing something by worrying; therefore we continue it.
     God alone knows what tomorrow holds, and he knows that we can't change anything by worrying about it. Furthermore, we weren't made to sustain anxiety. Our bodies weren't built to endure it. This is why worry and anxiety can make us physically sick. Nothing delights God more than a child that demonstrates their trust in his goodness and provision by choosing not to worry about tomorrow.

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you (Psalm 55:22, NLT).

     It is an action of great faith and trust not to worry. Trust isn't for the faint of heart. It is an act of maturity. It is a pure, childlike action that takes courage. But know that it is what God intends for you. Ask the Father to help you find the childlike place of trust in him.


     Have you ever felt like you haven't been getting recognition for all the work you have done, either in your job or at home? Have there been times when you have seen other people acknowledged for doing seemingly little? Hard work without appreciation can seem very unfair.
     Imagine then how those Pharisees felt when Jesus chose to sit with the sinners! They were bothered by the fact that Jesus was spending time with the unrighteous when they had devoted their whole lives to obeying and working under the law. Jesus responded by saying we don't earn forgiveness; rather, we receive it as a gift. We are all sinners, and yet Jesus chooses to sit with us because he wants to show us mercy. Sit with him and freely receive it!

"Go and learn what this means, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners"
(Matthew 9:13, NRSV).
     Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner before you, and yet I thank you  that you have chosen to sit with me here and now, offering your grace and mercy. I receive your forgiveness as a gift, knowing that it is not what I do that makes you accept me. Help me to be merciful to others, as you have been to me.


     A child is blessed to have a mother who habitually goes to the feet of God in petition for wisdom. There is security in having a mother who seeks knowledge in parenting God's way and not in the world's way. Mothers who pray for their children and continually put their trust in the Lord create a wonderful atmosphere and safe home for children to grow up in.
     Children who grow up seeing their mother trusting in Jesus and seeking him to direct their paths eventually learn to have confidence in God's leading. A mother's example to love and obey God is a wonderful gift to her children.

In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence
And his children will have refuge (Proverbs 14:26, NASB).

     Do you have the fear of God in your home? Do you ask for his wisdom and trust that he will lead you? Take heart, Mom! By entrusting your life to God, you are entrusting your child to his faithful hands as well. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


     God isn't asking you to be a perfect mom. He is the only perfect parent. He isn't alarmed by your inadequacies. He knew you would sin, which is why he provided his son as a sacrifice for you to be restored to him when you confess. But there are simple steps you can take to become a better parent.
     Have we allowed distractions into our world that are hindering our ability to parent? Some of these distractions could have begun with a well-meaning heart. Perhaps we had questions on how to parent. Now we have found that we are up to our eyeballs in mommy blogs with no answers and more questions. Many times these "helpful" tools hinder us from going to the one who has every answer we could need. He knows our children better than we do; therefore, he knows the way to parent them. We only have to ask.

The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him-
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding (Isaiah 11:2, NLT).

     Have you become a victim of distracted parenting? Have you sought the Father for wisdom in parenting before asking the world? He is more than willing to share his heart with you.   


     Sometimes we are hesitant to admit that we are discouraged because our prayers are not being answered. So many godly men and women have believed God for a miracle and not received it on earth. Does that mean their faith was in vain?
     God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations and that through him all the peoples of the earth would be blessed. He believed even though in the natural it was an impossibility. God saw his faith and counted him as righteous. Hebrews 11 lists other giants of the faith--Abel, Enoch, Noah, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses--and says, "All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it" (Hebrews 11:13 NLT). There may be prayers we utter that we will not see answered in our lifetime. Can we emulate the saints of old and believe no matter the outcome?
     Lord, help me to persevere in faith because my faith alone counts! You hear my prayers and even if I cannot see your response, I know you are working! 


     What is at the core of our motivations? We all have things that motivate us and reasons why we work hard. We are easily motivated by money, affirmation, and admiration. We might want prestigious titles or big promotions.
     As mothers, why do we put our hearts and souls into our families? There is no financial gain, and rarely do we ever receive affirmation or thanks. Do we do our best so that the world thinks we are good mothers? So that our children like and appreciate us? So that the world will admire our efforts?

Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men (Colossians 3:23, NASB).

     What motivates you? Do you work hard because that it what is expected of you, or do you work hard to serve and please God? Whatever you do, do it happily in worship to the Lord. He is the giver of your talents and abilities. He is the strength for your work and the center of your creative inspiration.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Summer and Winter

Those who live in a cold climate understand that winters can get long. As the amount of daylight decreases, it's easy to find discouragement or depression creeping in. Sometimes this is a direct result of just needing more vitamin D to compensate for the lack of sunlight. But sometimes the Lord allows this to drive you to a place of finding a deeper degree of contentment in him.
     God created the seasons. They are his making. Winter treasures are like manna--the same manna would be rotten in the summer. Manna that is provided on a daily basis refreshes us and provides the kind of nourishment we need.

The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon. It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you make both summer and winter (Psalm 74:16-17, NIV).



     Jeremiah, a prophet of God, was called to reveal the sins of the Israelites and warn them of coming judgment. His pleas were ignored and the consequences fell when the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem. Prior to that catastrophe, Jeremiah made one of the most profound statements in the Scriptures. The Israelites insisted on following the lead of the idolatrous nations around them doing things their own way. They seemingly forgot they were God's chosen people and that God had lovingly directed their steps. In their independence, they fell into sin and lost the promised presence of God.
     I wonder how many times we forget whose we are and begin to think we can plan our own course in life. Perhaps we are not happy with God's direction and are resisting the road he has asked us to walk. Maybe today you need to pray with Jeremiah:

I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. So correct me, LORD, but please be gentle. Do not correct me in anger, for I will die
(Jeremiah 10:23-24, NLT).



     It is normal for moms to manage a million things all at the same time. A part of us likes to have control because it gives us a sense of security. But is that security false? What happens when circumstances are out of control? When relationships are broken, our children are sick, or there just isn't enough money in the bank to cover mounting bills? We allow worry to seep into our hearts. We become anxious and insecure. More often than not, we allow our concerns to debilitate us--to rob us from our sleep and kill our joy.
     We don't have to become weary if we remember that we serve a God who loves us so much that he wants us to shrug off the burdens that make us ache and trust him instead. Regardless of the situation and circumstance, God is in control. Our security rests in him and not in our own abilities.

"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me" (John 14:1, NLT).

The next time life sends you a curve ball, instead of succumbing to fear and scrambling to maintain control, bring your concerns to the one who listens and cares deeply. What are you worried about today? Talk to God and leave it all in his hands. 


     Of all the things God asks us to let go of, for a mother, worry just might be the most difficult. From little things like running out of milk or forgetting to do that load of laundry, to genuine concerns such as the first time our kids go away for a weekend, put on a football helmet, or get behind the wheel, we are tempted to give in to worry. God desires our trust! He wants us to surrender--ourselves and our precious children--to him and his perfect plan. He wants us to rest in his love, and he promises to care for us.

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matthew 6:25-27, NIV).

     What worry or fear are you holding on to? What would it take for you to open your hand and give it over to God? 


Are you feeling invisible today? You may be surrounded by a crowd of people and yet feel alone and isolated. This may be how the woman who needed a healing touch from Jesus felt, but was convinced he would never notice her among so many. She reached out and touched him, and found him fully aware. Hagar, Sarah's servant, was driven from her home by her angry mistress. Wandering lost and alone in the wilderness, God saw her and became her deliverer.
     It's difficult to comprehend that as small and insignificant as we are in time and space, God sees each of us and even knows our name. Others may not seem to understand or notice, but God knows our whole story. He is always present, all-seeing, all-wise. No matter where we are, God sees.

The LORD looks down from heaven and sees the whole human race. From his throne he observes all who live on earth (Psalm 33:13-14, NLT).

I am so thankful, Lord, that you not only see me physically, but you see into my heart and mind and know my every thought. Help me always to remember that I am never invisible to you. 

Joy and Strength
Broad Street Publishing 


Jesus said his yoke is easy. He shared these words with his disciples 2,000+ years ago. They knew exactly what he meant because a yoke was regularly used by many of them. But as time has gone on, yokes aren’t exactly an everyday household item. Sometimes we need to do a little study on what Jesus’ intended meaning was, so we can enjoy his life-giving words.
Animals that worked side by side were linked with a wooden yoke. This yoke was laid across their necks and kept them together. When two animals were linked like this, they were capable of doing much more than what either could do alone. Furthermore, often a weaker or younger animal was linked to a stronger one. This allowed the stronger one to lead the younger and bear more of the weight.
“My yoke is easy” (Matthew 11:30, ESV).
Do you feel the weight of responsibility driving you down? When Jesus tells you that his yoke is easy, he is inviting you to enjoy his strength and leadership. While he is calling you to service and work, he will bear the majority of the weight. You only have to walk alongside him.